Monday, May 2, 2011

I Feel Fine

June 2010 was a stormy month here in Minnesota.

Looking back through the photos I have from this time, I have many pictures of my sweetie hanging out on the couch snuggling with our kitties and many pictures of beautiful flowers. There's also a few shots I snapped of the local radar on our tv - we had some pretty big storms roll through that month.

Early in the month, the two of us went to Anderson Iris gardens to look at the flowers. It's a private home north of the metro, and they grow (and sell) every color variety of Iris that you can imagine. My sweetie learned of the place from his mom - she goes out there and buys flowers from them every year, and when they arrived in the mail she'd call my sweetie over to plant them for her. In past years, she bought one or two of them for him to plant in our yard as well. This year he made a second trip out there to buy more iris's for our yard and brought me along to see them while they were still blooming. I used to think iris's only came in three colors - yellow, purple and white. Boy was I wrong. There were pink ones, orange ones, red ones. Striped iris, spotted iris, iris that smell like chocolate and root beer. I think I took at least a hundred pictures of them, and when we were done admiring the flowers my sweetie filled out an order form and bought at least a dozen different colors and varieties.

Back at home, we readied the spot in the yard where we intended to plant our new flowers.We took pictures of the robin that had built a nest on our downspout. We hung out on our back balcony and enjoyed the weather when it was nice. When the weather was bad, we hung out inside and he'd play his guitar or we'd watch tv together. My ancient computer fried, and he bought me a new one...

People we knew were always asking me how he was doing. Some were telling me not to get my hopes up to high, others asserted that hope and positive thinking could make all the difference. As for the two of us, we didn't like to talk about it. When we were home alone together, we continued to pretend that everything was ok.

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